So after meeting Julia’s parents and family in the their countryhouse I was put in the BANJA to experience russian sauna, it was nice but also a bit intense :) like drinking beer and going in a sauna with you brother in law is not what i’m used to in Holland…  and after that drinking beer and whisky and having BBQ was very nice…

Day time we went inside the kremlin to see the biggest cannon


Next day went to the country by her car to see nice farmer place outside Mascow… Also the traffic in Moskou is big because you go with the flow and parking is also bit different than in Amsterdam because its free and you can park where you want because nobody follows the rules… That’s nice but it’s also a problem because cars are parked also on side walk….


A present from Julia was a nice hotel where we stayed and went to a nice town to see churches… I have never seen so many chirtes in my life…. But the are very nice



On my TODO list was to buy a watch from Aviator and it’s a Russian made watch where the inside is the same as a Rolex so I found two very nice watches that I can afford…